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  1. sitfrog

    Date Selection not working in custom form template

    Hello all, I've created a form for a sports league app that has an input field for a "Match Date". When I use the default form template, the date selector works fine. But, I have created a custom form template where I specify the fields I want to render. I'm using a table to layout my form...
  2. sitfrog

    runPHP after delete record?

    I have a PHP script that runs and updates Table A based on the data in that is in Table B. I have the runPHP plugin enabled on the form for Table B. When I add a form record to Table B, the new record is added to Table B, the script runs and I see the update reflected in Table A. I also...
  3. sitfrog

    querystring ORDER BY not working with multiple elements

    Hello all, I am developing league scoring system with Fabrik and ran into a problem trying to sort lists when using the querystring in the URL and multiple columns. When I sort on one column, it works. When I try to sort using multiple columns, it gives me a 500 error. The SQL that is being...
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