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  1. d.bergonzi

    Multiselection filter and wrong CSV export

    Hi All... I have a serious problem with the export of csv file when using a multi-select filter. The purifier works fine in the list view. But when I export the .csv file, the files I find only one of the selected values in the filter. This error the response using the latest version of fabrik...
  2. d.bergonzi

    Fabrik and jquery conflict

    Hi, I needed to stick my table header so I used this jquery plugin stickytableheaders.js actually I tried with several plugins but the result is pretty much always the same. Everything seems to be ok except for one function, I do have a search filter on my fabrik list which should load a new...
  3. d.bergonzi

    Button in list......and

    Hi Guys, I hope to be sufficiently short and clear... I need to include in the list a button that, when clicked, will allow me to perform: operation on db (any operation .... is not an inquiry now)... call specific fabrik-list ... different record can call different operation on db or fabrik...
  4. d.bergonzi

    Update Column Plugin Problem with Date

    Hi all, I have a big problem (i hope big only for me) with update_col plugin when (in case of Allow user selection) User select a field (column) with date format......and in this element is set List view setting->Filters->Filter Type = Range. :( How can i do to solve thiso problem!? many...
  5. d.bergonzi

    Special PopUp in PHP List Plugin

    Hi all! I hope it is simple to accomplish what I ask ..... When I click the button to activate the code php content PhPListPlugin I need to change the value of a column for all records. and so far no problem .... but only if the value is a constant devinita in php code ...... for example...
  6. d.bergonzi

    Multiple values in Filter (Field Plugin)

    Hello everyone, An Easy question .... and I hope there is also a simple solution.... ;) In a list using a filter (field) in a specific column that contains a series of numbers (purchase orders). Now I can only enter a single value in the search (purchase order). How can I put a list of...
  7. d.bergonzi

    import csv (data format)

    Hi all, a small question for you experts: on a csv file I have a date format dd / mm / yyyy ...... when I import the csv file fields day and mounth are reversed ... fabrik asks that the format is mm / dd / yyyy. In some cases me an error Loading (eg when 20.12.2015 -> 12.20.2015 does not...
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