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Search results

  1. rhinoboy

    Error when adding record via Ajax form

    I added the login to my-sites. I didn't specify a phpMyAdmin login. That'll take me a while to get into. Let me know if it's holding you up.
  2. rhinoboy

    Error when adding record via Ajax form

    I have to admit I don't know Chrome Dev Tools very well. I don't see an Ajax call. But I can tell you that with error reporting on, I was getting a series of errors on the Ajax form when it loaded. I just turned error reporting back on and I can't reproduce that issue. Regarding the redirect...
  3. rhinoboy

    Error when adding record via Ajax form

    Okay, so I had error reporting on and when I turn it off, there is no error returned. So that problem is solved, but now that the Ajax form isn't throw an error, I have a different problem: The form has a re-direct to a list and the redirect is working, but it shows the list in the pop-up...
  4. rhinoboy

    Error when adding record via Ajax form

    I am getting an error when adding a record via an Ajax link, but I don't get the error when I add the record using the form itself. The error I get is "SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0" I am running Joomla 3.7 under php 7 and I got the latest version of Fabrik from GitHub...
  5. rhinoboy

    Fabrik List Module Class Suffix not working

    I'm trying to style a Fabrik List Module, but whatever I enter into the Module Class Suffix (Advanced tab) is being ignored. When I look at the tags being applied on the page, the suffix just isn't there and no styling takes place. When I add the same suffix to other modules (Custom...
  6. rhinoboy

    cascadingdropdown Where query question (problem?)

    Ah, yes. I got around lack of values (and that was the problem I was having in the databasejoin) by writing a WHERE clause using {$my->id} since that is always available. I was thinking about the cascade all wrong. The Advanced - Where query is executed at load time; I was thinking it executed...
  7. rhinoboy

    cascadingdropdown Where query question (problem?)

    I just finished writing a "Data - where" clause in a databasejoin and it is substituting placeholders. I have a different issue there (the value is resolving to being empty, so that's a problem!) but this makes me think that the cascadingdropdown element isn't processing placeholders.
  8. rhinoboy

    cascadingdropdown Where query question (problem?)

    I am having some issues building a "Where query" in a cascadingdropdown element. I can get the following statement to work correctly: `PerfModel`.`Sponsor_idSponsor` = 2 But I need the "2" to be a field from the current form. The Where query" tooltip says that {tablename___elementname}...
  9. rhinoboy

    DB Connections vs. Users

    Perfect. So I actually encapsulated the critical code in a stored function on the MySQL server. The function is called as part of a Fabrik element validation php plugin. The form is just user entry--nothing is stored to the database. Specifically the problem to be solved was that I have a...
  10. rhinoboy

    DB Connections vs. Users

    Thanks very much for getting back to me (twice!). I'm realizing that this is not so much a Fabrik question as it is a Joomla (or even just a MySQL or web server) question. But I came across this while trying to build a Fabrik app, so I thought someone here might be more able to answer my...
  11. rhinoboy

    DB Connections vs. Users

    I hope this isn't too basic of a question. I am using Fabrik to put an application together for a client. I have a difficult problem (I'll spare you the details) and one solution seems to be using GET_LOCK() in MySQL. My hosting provider uses MySQL v5.5, in which "only a single simultaneous lock...