Add button on list tamplate with prefiltered/autofilled data


New Member
I don't known how to create add button with prefiltered/autofilled data for dbjoin.
I created a list template that is filtered by the Joomla menu. If I press the button to add it in the midst of the data I need to filter them further by choosing the appropriate position, I would like them to be dependent on the filtered data in a list.

For better explain a create a test site:

Press -> Wykaz akt /choose/ -> 227 Informatycy -> next one of two prefiltered list
then the form field dbjoin "Symbol klasyfikacji akt"
" I would like to make the filtering list with autofilled data if i choose prefilltered '046 - Dost?p..' i wont selceted data for this data in form tamplate and if i choose '040 - Wyja?nienia...' i wont selceted data for this data in form tamplate.

I have now in the form of all possible options, regardless of the filtered list.
I don't really understand what you are trying to do. But you can filter dbjoin options via the 'data where' condition or eval options in 'advanced'.

gesendet mit Tapatalk
i have a one list but many links created with (Admin site -> Menu -> Main menu -> Create new item) to one list with prefiltered data. Each one created links to fabrik list is prefiltered, but add button not autofill data with prefilterd with list prefiltered conditions.

And sorry for my English I know it is not perfect.
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