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adding new entries to my table.


New Member
Hi all! I have a pretty simple question I think!

I'm testing fabrik for possibly using this on our website. I've managed to upload a table and can view it from the front end of the site, but I'm unable to add records.

I've switched on the add button, but every time I enter in new information and submit it, it doesn't seem to record with the rest of the data for the table. Am I doing something wrong?

I'm a total novice with databases in general, so any help would be appreciated!
Your table must contain a primary key element (integer, autoincrement) which you must define in your list settings.

If you are creating new fabrik list (with a new database table), fabrik will create this "id" element automatically, but if you are linking a fabrik list to an existing table (or create it via "Import") you must tell fabrik which column contains the primary key.
That's great - thanks so much for that. I've adjusted that and a few other of the table settings so that the data is now recorded properly.

Appreciate you setting me straight on that! :)