After PHP 7 Update Ajax validations return error

I have a multi-page form and on the very first page is a simple text box with a notempty validation. When I enter something and tab away from the field it tells me that "This is a required field OUPS" even though I have entered a string.

In the Javascript console for the POST in the response is the following:

    <title>Error: 0 syntax error, unexpected &#039;&#039;\&#039; == 3 { return true; }else{&#039; (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING)</title>

Before upgrading all was OK. What I can't work out is where this error is coming from...

Any one got any ideas?

A quick update. It doesn't seem to be to do with that particular validation. Any validation request seems to cause the above response. In the fabrik_error.log I am seeing this (below), but I am guessing it is a symptom of something else rather than the cause:

2017-09-05T12:40:47+00:00   CRITICAL 79.1111.184.89   error   Uncaught Throwable of type ParseError thrown. Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/joomla/components/com_fabrik/models/form.php(2323): PlgFabr
ik_Validationrule->shouldValidate('yes', 0)
I have done some further testing. This Joomla! installation is on a fairly old server (Ubuntu 12.04, PHP5.3.10). When I upgrade it from 3.6.5 to 3.7.5 and update all the extensions (Fabrik included) on this server it all seems to work OK.

I then moved the whole thing to the new target server: tarred up the files and mysqldumped the database, and then checked the configuration matched the new server location etc.) which is running Ubuntu 16.04, PHP7.0.22,

I can login, navigate around all pages and administrator screens with no apparent issues, but when I start to complete the form and a validation check is made, I get the above errors.

Could I be missing a php library, or perhaps have a configuration issue in the php.ini for apache?
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Thank you.

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