Cascadingdropdown rendered as button radio and concat Label


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I'm using fabrik 3.1b
I have a cascadingdropdown rendered as button radios.
I set its concat label with some html tag to customize the display :


'<div class="date">',{thistable}.date,'</div><div class="lieu">',{thistable}.lieu,'</div><div class="adresse">',{thistable}.adresse,'</div>'


The problem is that the html tags are encoded the they are not rendered. Here is the result:

I notice also that {thistable}.date lose the format (this element is set as d M Y) inside the rendered button radio, in the frontend. The date format is ok in the back end list.

Any help direction would be appreciated.

I appear to be having the same problem - html not being rendered :)

I'll do a github update and see if that resolves the issue

It's ok in list and details view, but not in the form.
It's not only HTML in radio dropdown labels but also in normal element labels.
I notice also that {thistable}.date lose the format (this element is set as d M Y)
Concat is fetching the MySQL date directly from the database, so you have to do the formatting (via MySQL date_format) yourself
Concat is fetching the MySQL date directly from the database, so you have to do the formatting (via MySQL date_format) yourself
Do you mean that I need to edit the form template?
I set 'bootstrap' as the form template for frontend.
So it is located here :


But which file ?

No, format in the Concat with something like
DATE_FORMAT({thistable}.date,'%d %M %Y')
Going back to the formatting, I have updated and it is not resolved - Is there another fix please?
The problem is I don't know which files are concerned about this. I thought it was the cascadingdropdown.js file (around line #159 I guess) but the changes I made doesn't work. So if you know the right file, I can give an eye to it.
This is how I end up doing it.
Inside cascadingdropdown.js, at line 147, there is an instruction like this:
this.addOption(item.value, item.text, updateField);
In fact, this function is defined in plugins/fabrik_element/databasejoin/databasejoin.js :
You can see many case depending on the display type you choose for you cascadindropdown (dropdown, multilist, auto-complete, chechbox, radio...)

Checkbox -----
If you're rendering as checkbox and want a html-enabled label, it is easy.

replace line 171:
opt.getElement('span').set('text', l);

by this:
opt.getElement('div', {'class': 'option-label'}).set('html', l);

This mean I put my checkbox label inside a <div class="option-label"> instead of a <span>
and set the content as 'html' instead of 'text'. I may use other class name instead of 'option-label'.

Radio -----
For 'radio' button case, I noticed that it fall through the default case. So rather than editing it, I duplicate its instructions for the 'radio' case;

So you have between line 179 and 180, I have
before :
case 'radio':
//////////// <paste the code here> ////////////
/* falls through */

and after:
case 'radio':
// Not working in cdd in repeat group.
//var name = this.options.element + '[]';
var name;
if (this.options.canRepeat) {
name = this.options.fullName + '[' + this.options.repeatCounter + '][]';
} else {
name = this.options.fullName + '[]';
chxed = (v === this.options.value) ? true : false;
opt = new Element('div', {
'class': 'fabrik_subelement'
}).adopt(new Element('label').adopt([new Element('input', {
'class': 'fabrikinput',
'type': 'radio',
'checked': true,
'name': name,
'value': v
}), new Element('div', {'class': 'option-label'}).set('html', l)])); // I prefer use div instead of <span>
subOpts = this.element.getElements('> .fabrik_subelement');
last = subOpts.length === 0 ? this.element : subOpts.getLast();
injectWhere = subOpts.length === 0 ? 'bottom' : 'after';
opt.inject(last, injectWhere);
/* falls through */
Same as check box, I use div instead of span because I may have other html tag inside. Set content as 'html' instead of 'text'.

It is not a perfect solution but it works for my need.
Good luck.
I had a Skype discussion with Rob yesterday:
now there's a fix in 3.1 GitHub to allow HTML formatting in element labels if (and only if) the global fabrik option "Form" WYSIWYG editor for element labels=yes.

I don't think this is affecting the CDD label issue: displaying HTML tag if modified by watch element change
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