E-Mail Plugin Form not work with article


Hi there,

I have a problem with the email plugin on the form. If I set there, to be used for the article, the placeholders are not replaced.

Hallo liebe Ausbilder/-innen,
{abmeldungen_intern_neu___Name} hat sich gerade ?ber die -Internen Seiten- f?r folgenden ?bungsabend abgemeldet:
Datum:    {abmeldungen_intern_neu___Datum}
Stunde:   {abmeldungen_intern_neu___Stunde}
Sontiges: {abmeldungen_intern_neu___Sonstiges}
Der Webmaster

When I test the entries in the plugin under "Message Text", the placeholders are replaced.

So there seems to be a bug, which does not replace the placeholders in the article.

Joomla 3.3.3

I did a quick test here and it appears to work for me.
Perhaps check that there isn't some additional html markup inside the placeholders, that is often an issue when writing content using a wysiwyg editor and using placeholders.
If thats not the issue then could you fill in the site's details on the "my sites" page, the one site you currently have filled in is for a Joomla 2.5 site so I presume the problem is not on this site
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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