Error msg on debug


My list displays correctly, but its slow. So i figured i would set debug on. It gives me this:

An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner.
Debug: Eval exception : kunde::preFormatFormJoins() : return bbbbbbbbbbb . " " . ; : syntax error, unexpected ';'
An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner.
Debug: Eval exception : kunde::preFormatFormJoins() : return Tom Peng . " " . Pung; : syntax error, unexpected 'Peng' (T_STRING)

Kunde is a calc element with the following set in the Calculation:
return {ac_salg___fornavn_raw} . " " . {ac_salg___etternavn_raw};

Basically Kunde is the full name of the customer (firstname and lastname). What is wrong since this gives a debug error ?
You must quote the placeholders '{xxx}' to get a string (you need return 'Tom Peng'.' '.'foo';)
You should quote them always, even if you are expecting and using an integer, to avoid php errors if the element is empty.
e.g (int)'{table___id_raw}'
Right, got it :)

and here is a stupid question on the side since you mention it. Shat is foo ? I see it in the forum but i dont understand what it is supposed to mean:D
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