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Fabrik list module does not prefilter correctly

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Well-Known Member
I have a module list enabled with two prefilter conditions using a "AND" relation but despite this setting, the displayed module use an "OR" relation, hence prefilter is wrong.

Also, there is no way to group prefliter conditions as it is possible in the list setting (not a problem for my app so far, but might be sometimes).

Tested with GitHub 835.
seems to work for me - note if you have 2 filters, its the 'and' in the second dropdown that is applied - not the first one. I.e

........ first filter
AND second filter
Well this is what I have: first pic is my pre-filter settings in the module (with AND AND) and second pic is what fabrikdebug shows (prefilters with AND OR).2013-06-14 19.54.09.png2013-06-14 19.54.54.png
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