Fatal error: Call to a member function setQuery() on a non-object

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I ve seen something similar in another post, but I cannot know if it is the same bug.

Fatal error: Call to a member function setQuery() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyJoomla\components\com_fabrik\fabrik_table.class.php on line 2473

Please help. Since I upgraded I cannot work.
Hi Andre, nice to have someone to talk to..
I installed tortoise and downladed the latest svn, following the directions at 'SVN Access', on an already upgraded to 1.04 installation. I had to combine with the directions at wiki 'Subversion and Fabrik' (yours?), because the first info was not enough.
So, I created zip folders and unpacked them in joomla, after I had uninstalled fabrik and deleted all it's old folders. Wrong procedure?
The 1.04 worked before the svn! (with bugs of course)

Sorry about my sig, I ll update it right away.. but what's the meaning really, when all day I have to uninstall and install again, trying to find ANY way to make this work, without any real help? Anyway, maybe I ll have some from you now..
I also get this, when I try to see the table of the example 'contacts' form!
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyJoomla\administrator\components\com_fabrik\views\table\tmpl\default.php on line 166

with this:
Table \'jos_fabrik_joins.id\' doesn\'t exist SQL=SELECT *, jos_fabrik_groups.attribs AS gattribs FROM jos_fabrik_formgroup, jos_fabrik_joins.id AS join_id\n LEFT JOIN jos_fabrik_groups \n ON jos_fabrik_formgroup.group_id = jos_fabrik_groups.id\n LEFT JOIN jos_fabrik_elements \n ON jos_fabrik_groups.id = jos_fabrik_elements.group_id \n LEFT JOIN jos_fabrik_joins ON jos_fabrik_groups.id = jos_fabrik_joins.group_id\n WHERE jos_fabrik_formgroup.form_id = \'1\' ORDER BY jos_fabrik_formgroup.ordering, jos_fabrik_formgroup.group_id, jos_fabrik_elements.ordering
ok.. I cannot go on like that.. with no help, I m uninstalling the revisions again and trying with 1.04 !!
good luck to me again
I ununstalled xampp and all with it and started again with Joomla 1.0.13, and the fabrik 1.0.4 patch. I CANNOT use the latest revisions if they are not tested and full of bugs and there is practically NO SUPPORT for days.
I will try one more day with fabrik with 1.0.4. If I still find bags in the functions I need it to perform, I ll be one more heading away...
And to think that what I need is sooo simple.. it makes me furious to count the hours and days that I have lost instead of paying someone to just set some tables up for me with the right sorting and filtering possibilities!
I believe it would take no more than 10 mins for one of you guys here to telll me how to deal with these bugs that are so common here, while it takes me many hours to look around in your forum and svn and bugs section and wiki and end up frustrated because whatever I try, after reading here, some other problem arises with fabrik!
I feel that I am not respected here.
Hi George

I do respect you!

I dont see the warning when I used the latest SVN code, perhaps I've fixed it since you last looked?

To me it seems like your installation is foobarred, as it didnt even create the table jos_fabrik_joins, which should get created on installation of the component.
try unistalling and reinstalling.
I have the same problem:
I get this error message when saving a new form (using record to database). The problem seems to be on all updates since PATCH fabrik 1.0.4 Beta (When you wrote function databaseTableExists ??), and the problem is still there with SVN 122.

Fatal error: Call to a member function setQuery() on a non-object in [my comment: path]\components\com_fabrik\fabrik_table.class.php on line 2477 PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function setQuery() on a non-object in [my comment: path]\components\com_fabrik\fabrik_table.class.php on line 2477

I've tried to echo $sql in line 2471 with the result SHOW TABLES LIKE '' It seems to not load $tableName correctly
I've tried to change line 2475 from
$fabrikDatabase = $this->_oConnDB;
$fabrikDatabase = $this->$database;
Which gives me a call to a member on a non-object error on line 576 instead.

I have also tried to set the function to return false directly (after making sure that I don't have any formdata tables). This takes me to the createFormTable function just below but returns a sql syntax error since $dbTableName doesn't return anything. (SQL=CREATE TABLE ( `fabrik_internal_id` varchar (255) null, `time_date` varchar (255) null, `a` varchar (255) null, primary key (fabrik_internal_id))

Have now also tried it with an older version of PHP (5.1.6)...Same problem.

Hope this info that help when you search for the solution to the problem.

It seems that I am not the only one with this problem. (ref former answers: jos_fabrik_joins was created under installation of component)
H Robert

I've tried to add some code to catch this error and revert to Joomla's database object if no specific fabrik one can be found. This is in as of revision 133, could you try again pls and see if you get the same issue.

If you do could you describe what fabrik conenctions you have set up, and if all of them work. Also you you state exactly what process you went through to create the form. I've tried here locally to replicate the error but have not been able to

Hi Rob. First of all, sorry for a late reply. I had some problems logging in to fabrikar.com this weekend and haven't had a chance to test it before now.

Right now I use Wamp 1.7.2 on Windows Vista (Php 5.2.3, Apache 2, Mysql 5.0.41). However, I tested it on older versions on php with same problems). I also use it on a Windows XP with IIS: same problem). Connection is "Site Database". Just as a test, I have created a group called "testgroup", put a textfield in it called "txtfield" and created a form from that called "testform" with of course the Record to Database option checked.

The problem which occured when I created a new form is now fixed. However, when I click on "Create Table View", set a label and save I get the following error

Fatal error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www2\components\com_fabrik\fabrik_table.class.php on line 257

(This might have been there all along, which I can't know since I haven't gotten this far before now).
Hi Robert

We've had some hosting troubles last week, sorry about that.
Thanks for the detailed description, I've replicated the error and fixed it in the SVN revision 148

Hi Rob,

It seems that I said it a little bit too early that the problems were solved.

1) When I go back into the newly created form (which works fine now), go to Link to Menu and try to create a link to menu I get this error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\[my comment: paths]\components\com_fabrik\fabrik_table.class.php on line 2619

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in C:\[my comment: paths]\components\com_fabrik\fabrik_table.class.php on line 2647 [My comment: I get this line7 times]

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in C:\[my comment: path]components\com_fabrik\fabrik_table.class.php on line 2647
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \' ADD COLUMN `fabrik_internal_id` varchar (255) null AFTER ``, ADD COLUMN `txtfie\' at line 1 SQL=ALTER TABLE , ADD COLUMN `fabrik_internal_id` varchar (255) null AFTER ``, ADD COLUMN `txtfield` varchar (255) null AFTER ``, ADD COLUMN `time_date` varchar (255) null AFTER ``
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