Form->Email plugin - error on EmailTo eval using placeholder

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Form has email plugin to send on submission.
Send is to email field on form, identified as placeholder.

Form submission fails with error:
An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner. Debug: Caught exception on eval in email emailto : Joomla\CMS\Factory::getLanguage() is deprecated. Load the language from the dependency injection container or via Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->getLanguage().

Eval for EmailTo is as below:
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
$name = '{ltsc_entries___EmailAddress}';
// logic to allow for debug addresses....
return $name;
...getLanguage() is deprecated...
is only a depracated warning which is only shown if you have J!'s System Debug on. But thanks for reporting.
2. Despite this warning the eval to is working.
Did you try to use '{ltsc_entries___EmailAddress_raw}' ? Depending on your element settings the placeholder without _raw will contain a link which is no valid email address.
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