Form Save causes duplicate records when Save button DblClick


Active Member
Hi All,

I have noticed that in certain circumstances when a user double-clicks the save button, the same record is posted twice in the DB. (The timestamp is 1 sec apart)

Hugh, here is a conversation from someone who experienced the same issue a while back, and looks like it was left open with no resolve.

Is there anyway we can overcome this? It has now become a problem for our customer and I need to resolve it somehow?

Perhaps we can insert a delay time on submit button before it allows a click again?


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Is there perhaps anyone that can shed some light? Hugh, did you perhaps find anything at the time (re: your posts)?
Is this with the recent GitHub?
There was a fix which disables the submit button after click.
thanks troester, I will try a recent update, my last one was about 4 months ago, so am sure it will be in the latest pull.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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