Menu prefilter not showing results until page change


Hi, am using a prefilter in the menu link to a Fabrik list that aims to filter the rows with dates from this month.
This is my menu prefilte filter:

But when I click on the menu link the prefilter works, but does not show the results. It filters them but not show them. This is what happens:

It shows Tolal: 71 which is the right number and 2 pages, but no rows. and if I click on the first or the second or no matter what page it shows the result like it should be filteres and works fine even if I change the page back. I've tried many configurations but no luck.
Can anyone help me?
Did you clear Joomla and browser cache?
What is your "Reset filters" setting in the menu options?
A little update here is that this only happens with "This Month" option of the prefilter. If i choose everything else like for example "Earlier This Year" it works fine. Is there some difference . Am I missing some config or something.
In fact it only works with "Earlier This Year" option. Every other gives "No data found" . Does anybody experience the same issue?