• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Need small changes on list template,

Hi, i try to display list with default template or my own template (from J! 2.5.14) default-danka-hide-show-column - problem for this 2 templates are the same:

1. i don't have nice "grey box with icons" at the left-top of lists (like clear filter, group by, export to csv, print to pdf)
2. i have "words - labels" - no icon or floating button from right of records (view and edit records)

Is possible to change this?


  • Zaznaczenie_309a.png
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  • Zaznaczenie_310a.png
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This is the problem of Fabrik3.1 (which prevents me from upgrading):
Fabrik3.1 needs a bootstrap Joomla template (and the bootstrap fabrik templates) to display properly.

So if you are using your own Joomla template (or even beez3 coming with Joomla3 or other J3 compatible but non bootstrap templates) and your old Fabrik2.5 list and form templates there's a lot of CSS missing (and I'm not sure if there's also JS missing/not working, so not only display but also functionality)
Just a thought but have you tried installing http://www.youjoomla.info/jbootstrap/ - its a system plugin which should load up the core bootstrap css & js. I would imagine it would also effect your template but might be a quick trade off between that and re-doing the old j2.5 template.