Repeat Group , template.. list separator.

You know...
Some times, the related data or repeat group data values only need to be rendered out as VALUE<separator>VALUE<separator>.... The list template would suffice for this, by adding an extra paramater to the group repeat options called separator, so we could put in a ", " or " - " etc, set the LI to inline, and then not have to create a new template..

just a thought eh!
do you mean rather than using the <ul> ?
If so then this isn't templatable (if there's such a word?!) - you could instead style the <ul> with some custom css:

.fabrikRepeatData li{
display: inline-block;
.fabrikRepeatData li:after{
content:' -';
Hey, I did not KNOW about the content... THAT would have saved me some headache.. however,, most element renderings are wrapped and wrapped in divs.. makes it a bit cluttered.. I called them explicetly and looped over the subgroups in my template code. !
.fabrikRepeatData li:after{
content:' -';
Dropdown list has this setting.. and this separator could go in the group repeat are, and only applied when using the separator template..
however,, most element renderings are wrapped and wrapped in divs.
I'm concerned we aren't talking about the same page here? My list template isn't wrapping things in nested divs, a td cell for the repeating data contains this markup:

<td class="regons___date_time fabrik_element fabrik_list_5_group_8 repeat-merge">
<ul class="fabrikRepeatData"><li>2013-08-28</li><li>2013-08-28</li></ul></td>

Dropdown list has this setting.
thats only for the email template layout though- not the markup generated in the list view.
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