Use of a negative integer as a primary key to edit/view a record in a form


New Member
I use random integer values that range from -999999 to 999999 as primary keys (pks) in my Fabrik lists. This was based on an earlier database design using MS Access. Whenever I edit/view a list item/record that contains a positive pk, I can edit/view it in a form with no problem. But when I edit/view a list item/record with a negative pk, I get the error "We are unable to find this record".

I have looked into the models\form.php code but it is quite complicated. Is there a way for Fabrik to use a negative primary key to edit/view a record in a form?
using negative numbers in the keys wont be possible as we use -1 and -2 to represent 'special' situations.
The only solution I can think of would be to run some SQL to update the keys and and foreign key references by add 999999 to all the values
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