User registration without name field


New Member
I'd like to produce a custom user registration page.

Probably the best way is to use fabrik juser plugin.

I read this:
but I cannot understand how can I "start"....sorry about that...

I read also this:

but I'd like to create a form without the required "name" field, I'd like to user the email as username.

What is your opinion? what is the best way to do?
I found a kind of solution:

As suggested in another post I defined the name and username field, I put them as hiden and I inserted this eval code:

return substr(md5(rand()),0,15)';

to generate a random name and username.

Instead of random name&username, I would prefer to have name and username equal to email address, that will be a field inserted by the user...
How can i grab it?
Does exist an eval for this?
I solved the issue.

It was easy.
You have to put a placeholder (with you tablename and elementname):

as a default value and enable the eval.