registration form

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Vadim Can I add some field into user's registration form of Joomla with a help of Fabrik? Or another version - can I make user's registration form with a help of Fabrik, and use it instead of standard form?
cheesegrits Yes, the 'juser' form plugin will let you manage user registration though a Fabrik form.

What version of Fabrik are you using?

Check my signature. And updated with a help of troester, details here

I've checked - there is no juser plugin, please, write in details where I can find it and what to do next, if there is in a particular tutorial - send a link
You will find it in the form section, click the plugins tab within forms.

I find it but what should I do to add a new field/element in user's registration form? It's totally unclear for me, do you have it in tutorial? if no, please, write here
Thank you for comment and a link! It's a pity but I had to stop at this step of your instruction: Step 2: Add the Form - Scroll down to the Form processing area - Enter a table name.

I didn't find a field for a table name in the Form processing area, please, check attached scan - the only field to fill is Success message. So, where should I enter a table name?

I'm sorry, it was renamed form, not new, so I can continue


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    registration form.png
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your sig says Fabrik3.0, but I guess you are using later code from github?
I think the difference is that you are editing an exisitng form and not creating a new one. That field is only editable when you create a new form, otherwise it is hidden.

I've updated the code so its now a visibile readonly field, as that seems more useful to me.

So if what I am guessing is correct, start with a new form and follow the tutorial, you should see the field

You are right, Rob, and I made new steps after this till new stop((

Tessa, you wrote in template:
Important Make sure you remember to create a minimum of "Required Fields" from your core joomla user table or else it will not validate. These elements are:

what type (plug-in) for each element should I choose? Possibly it is important for further normal work, but I didn't find an info about it in tutorial. Thank you!
I'd make them text fields. Except the password where I would use the password field. I'd add not empty validations. And a is email validation on the email. The just form
Plugin will also validate a lot of the data for you
Thank you for comments, I'll try
The just form Plugin will also validate a lot of the data for you
what does it mean? which form? Please tell me other words what did you want to say
And sorry for meticulousness, which plugin do you mean by "text fields": "textarea" or "field"?
Rob is saying the the juser form plugin itself will give a validation error for things like duplicate emails, etc. But on the whole, I would advise putting explicit validations on all your elements anyway. So just ignore that.

For "text fields", use field elements.

You will probably also want to enable AJAX validation on your form. And for username and email fields, you will probably want to use the 'userexists' and 'emailexists' validations.

-- hugh
Hi Vadim,

I wrote a tutorial on how to create a custom joomla user registration form here:

To add captcha to your form, please read the last comment that I added on that tutorial. :)

Tessa, I'm afraid there is a mistake in your tutorial. After
Step 2: Add the Form
Click on the Lists tab.
Scroll down and click the Advanced drop down, and set Alter existing field types to "No".
Step 3: Add Elements

there is impossible to add any new element to a list - it says "You can't add fields to this list", and I think it's happen because I choosed "No" for Alter field option at previous step with a list. When I return it to "Use global" I can create new elements without problems.

So, I have not any progress with this question as well, and I'd like to focus attention of supporters that nothing changes and I still need in correct step0by-step instruction how to add fields to registration form or create my own.
Rob, "email validation on the email" - does it mean sending a message to this email with a link to confirm? And how to do it, as there are none "email validation on the email" within Actions of Validation
cheesegrits, thank you for comments! Just a pity that I have to collect info by small drops during unlimited times, my question about correct step-by-step instruction is in power. Do you have it in one of the tutorials? Or your wiky?
By the way where to read about "Ajax validation" what is it for?
While waiting any respond, I tried to finish this form and did testing. New user was added, but 1) no message was sent to email to confirm, 2) new user is blocked and cannot login after registration. I'd like to correct both.

Solved, I found it by myself
When user click "login" he see fields for login and password, as well as 3 standard links, one of them - to register go to the Joomla registration form. How I can add a link to the new registration form while login?
"email validation on the email"
I mean the isemail validaiton rule:

does it mean sending a message to this email with a link to confirm? And how to do it
Install the juser plugin on your form, set it up and it will tie into Joomla's exisitng user confirmation system.

"Ajax validation" what is it for

Just a pity that I have to collect info by small drops during unlimited times
Perhaps you haven't seen, but each option on the plug-in has a hover text that explains what each feature does.

New user was added, but 1) no message was sent to email to confirm, 2) new user is blocked and cannot login after registration. I'd like to correct both.
see the three 'bypass' options control how the form plugin interacts with the standard Joomla registration process.

How I can add a link to the new registration form while login?
You would need to supply a template override to the login module. [google]joomla login module template override[/google]
Tessa, I'm afraid there is a mistake in your tutorial. After
Step 2: Add the Form
Click on the Lists tab.
Scroll down and click the Advanced drop down, and set Alter existing field types to "No".
Step 3: Add Elements

there is impossible to add any new element to a list - it says "You can't add fields to this list", and I think it's happen because I choosed "No" for Alter field option at previous step with a list. When I return it to "Use global" I can create new elements without problems.

So, I have not any progress with this question as well, and I'd like to focus attention of supporters that nothing changes and I still need in correct step0by-step instruction how to add fields to registration form or create my own.

Add all the new fields first, then change alter existing fields to No.

I followed all these steps and it worked for me.

I need more than one person telling me the steps doesn't work correctly before I edit the tutorial. :)

Or any input from Fabrik staff and I will change it according to what they say.

Thank you for your reply!
Rob, you needn't answer at most questions of the last post as I said that solved that problems by myself while waiting. Well, thank you anyway for additional info to learn about.
As for the last one - I'm a little bit confused: you provided key-words to google and there is a huge and unclear information for a beginner how to change a link to registration form (from original to Fabrik's user form) in the login module. It means that I have to spend A LOT of time to look through for a very very small detail in a project. Possibly it is a good investment of time for people, which business is in this sphere, but it is too costly way for people who try just to use Fabrik and Joomla as a solution for own tasks and have not possibility to go very deep and to receive one more education in fact. If you have such very good possibility as designing customer's registration form with a help of Fabrik, it has a reason to provide complete steps, for example in your Wiki, which include this final step - how to connect designed registration form to the standard login module.
As for me I have to leave login module with incorrect link and it means this thread left unsolved completely for my project till I see more easy and clear steps (for me, not for experts!) in your wiki or tutorial or here.
Add all the new fields first, then change alter existing fields to No. I followed all these steps and it worked for me. I need more than one person telling me the steps doesn't work correctly before I edit the tutorial. :) Or any input from Fabrik staff and I will change it according to what they say. Thank you for your reply!

Tessa, you just proposed different order of steps than in your tutorial, and you still need more opinions to correct it in tutorial?)) OK, it's your tutorial and your solution.
1. Can I use "Encrypt data" - "Yes" for login (field plugin) and password (password plugin) elements? Is it really help to secure these data then without it?
2. I've checked a list, which I made for registered users by Fabrik. I made 12 trials for the same person (same login and email) while creation and testing different elements, I see 12 records in a Fabrik's list of the same person, and unique record for this person in Joomla user manager. No mistakes and it is good. At the same time, these 12 records in a Fabrik's list just take a space, and what is the use of them? If not, what should I do to write just unique records in this Fabrik list as in Joomla's table of users?
To override the J! default registration link, create the following folder:


... replacing 'beez_20' with whatever J! site template you are using. In the new folder, create a default.php, which contains this code:

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

$mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();

Replace '/jooma17/index.php/profile' with the link that you get from the J! menu item for your registration form.

NOTE - I don't know if you have already done this, but the way to create a menu link in J! for a "profile" form (where you need to load a form keyed by the logged on user ID rather than the usual primary key) is to use the "Rowird=-1" and usekey method. I've added this to the juser wiki page at:

I've also added the registration link override steps to this page.

-- hugh
You shoud be able to use 'encrypt data' for the password field, but I don't think it would be advisable to do it for the userid field.

With regards to multiple entries, the way to provide a link so the same user always edits the same copy of "their" row is described in the Wiki entry I pointed you at in my previous post, using rowid=-1/usekey method.

-- hugh
You shoud be able to use 'encrypt data' for the password field, but I don't think it would be advisable to do it for the userid field.
-- hugh

it doesn't work, and show next message: The encryption option is only available for field and text area plugins.

I guess you should spread this option for "password" plugin as well, and after that I can realize your advice... after next githup((
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