Date element validation rule



Can you please help me find the best way to set a validation rule where the date shouldn't be greater that "today"?

Thank's in advance.

This is what I use in a date element to check the date against a predefined one in another table.

$db = & JFactory::getDBO();
$tour = (int)'{table___tournament_raw}';
$current = strtotime(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$query = "SELECT deadline FROM table WHERE id = $tour";
$db->setQuery( $query );
$dt = $db->loadResult();
$deadline = strtotime($dt);
return $deadline > $current;

I think it can help u to start or modify it to get what u want.
Well, thanks guys.
I need to have the today's system date and not a fixed date.

So, shall something like this would work? I've tried but all I've got is a blank page...

return $data <= CURDATE();
I'm not sure about timezones, nor of $data nor of date()...
If it's relevant do some var_dump
Well, first make sure it's an issue before trying to solve it. Dump your $data ...

var_dump($data, date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');exit;

... and see if it looks like you need to figure TZ's out.

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