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Recent content by hdouglas

  1. H

    single slash in text field causes 403 error

    Thanks for the reply, site is on Joomla 3.9.28 and Fabrik 3.9.2 I have other sites where this does not seem to be a problem which is pointing me to something in the php script that is processing the form on submission. I need to research more to issolate how to recreate this and will then...
  2. H

    single slash in text field causes 403 error

    This seems to be the same error as reported in https://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?threads/cdd-element-bug.51972/#post-271315 but for me it is text fields rather than textareas Has this ever been resolved? Basically if you enter a single forward slash into a text element then on Submit there...
  3. H

    hiding the submit button

    In a multipage form I have the submit button set be disabled until the form validates. Howeve there are a few issues associated with this: 1. The opacity: 0.5 which is used to 'grey' out the button is insufficient and I would ideally like to change it to a different value, it seems to be...
  4. H

    Is there a way to control the focus when a form is displayed?

    many thanks, I have managed to find a work around by carefully constructing the fields and where they are very long calc elements, using a checkbox to hide/reveal where the default is hide. This gives the user the choice and maintains the form in a more viewable state. I like your suggestion...
  5. H

    How do I edit an existing submission?

    I was under the impression that using rowid= in the URL would enable me to edit a particular submission, however it seems I just get the last one. The form uses AJAX to update after each page, but what I am after is to edit completed/submitted forms ie...
  6. H

    Is there a way to control the focus when a form is displayed?

    Bump. Anyone any idea on this please. Must surely be a common problem?
  7. H

    Is there a way to control the focus when a form is displayed?

    I have a multi page form with some repeat groups. As you move forward through the form, when a new group (page) is displayed the browser focus jumps to the Next button. Is there a way to force it to a particular element?
  8. H

    How to pass a variable to a form?

    Many thanks, PHP form Plugin onLoad and used: $formModel->data['full_element_name']=$requiredValue; $formModel->data['full_elemenbt_name_raw']=$requiredValue; Which solves problem, thank you.
  9. H

    How to pass a variable to a form?

    I am looking for a way to pass an initial variable to a form so that it can be picked up by various CALC elements within the form. I can do this by adding something to the URL but was hoping for something a little more secure. Any ideas or suggestions? Specifically I am looking to pass a single...
  10. H

    What is the syntax for CONCAT label for data in cascading dropdown?

    Hi, thanks for the quick response, however that just gives me a 1054 - unknown column name error. If I take fields which are in the main table of the list, ie not joined, then it works. The problem here is I need a couple of fields from the INNER JOIN
  11. H

    What is the syntax for CONCAT label for data in cascading dropdown?

    I have a cascading dropdown where the data list if an INNER JOIN table, I want to CONCAT two of the fields from the joined table. What is the syntax, the help popup talks about {thistable_N} for joined tables but I haven't been able to work out the correct syntax. I am getting MySQL errors for...
  12. H

    Hide submit on multipage form

    Thanks for the response, I found an alternative way of achieving this by creating a custom button which is only available on the last page of the form and then removing the normal save button. For anyone else looking to do something similar, the new 'save' button has 2 javascript actions...
  13. H

    Hide submit on multipage form

    I realise on searching through the forums this has been asked a few times, but none of the answers seem to work, therefore help would be appreciated. Joomla 3.9.13 / Fabrik 3.9 I have a multipage form and have set AJAX validation to YES and Toggle Submit to YES There are 2 issues: 1) The...
  14. H

    Purging #__fabrik_form_sessions

    Many thanks, just what I wanted to hear.
  15. H

    Purging #__fabrik_form_sessions

    I have a site containing a number of multi page Fabrik forms which has been running for a while. Things are now getting a bit slow and I see that there are over 25000 entries in #__fabrik_form_sessions with a total size of almost 500Mb. Every record is tied to a user ID and we have a system in...