Recent content by OndrejH

  1. O

    Redirect if google not accessible in visualization

    Hello, Do you anyone have any hint how to redirect the page from googla map visualization in the case user does not have access to google servers? Possibly right from Menu (map visualization) -> 1) google server accessible ... OK 2) google server not accessible ... redirect Thank you, Ondrej
  2. O

    Please help! Sum of values on radio buttons

    That calc element -> javascript -> action: blur (try focus .. somethin will work)-> select at the bottom: if this element == value (your value) -> then Hide -> select element you want to hide .... repeat that for all the element questions as you need.
  3. O

    Please help! Sum of values on radio buttons

    Can you use calc element to sum up the raw values of buttons? To get your button value: $answervalue1 = '{table___element1_raw}'; $answervalue2 = '{table___element2_raw}'; $sum = $answervalue1 + $answervalue2; return $sum; then javascript plugin to show or hide next elements (questions) based...
  4. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    Thank you, hugh
  5. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    Thanks a lot again for your help and patience hugh (and also Matthias mudshark79) :)
  6. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    yo soy estupido. Of course, super simple. I do not know where did I pick up that idea to use the php plugin with javascript insted of purely javascript plugin. Maybe just tired of working on the weekend. The only correct way was to use JS List plugin with following code to call php function...
  7. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    Okey, one non-sense I did was combining the php plugin and js code instead of using just purely javascript list plugin. Please do not waste your time on this topic. I will let you know when I figure out.
  8. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    With help from Matthias I was able to figure out the way the list table data are declared as: var listdata = Fabrik.getBlock('list_123'); var rowitem = listdata[0][0].data.table___element; With javascript from list php plugin I get value "1" which is of course correct because...
  9. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    Of course, I have tried to use list_X.js with var rowitem = ids.join(','); however got an "undefinied" error.
  10. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    Sorry, Hugh, you are right. This is exactly what worked. $myrow->$input->getString('itemrow',''); I am still struggling to get element value of particular row. Can I get that with list php plugin via javascript code there? It seems I do not clearly understand what is the difference between...
  11. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    the problem was with: $rowitem = JRequest::getVar('rowitem', ''); As you suggested, works with: $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $input = $app->input; $myrow->getString('itemrow','');
  12. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    Thank you very much Troester. Finally I am able to move ahead.
  13. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    to get rowid I tried with no success: --- 1 --- var rowitem = $('hastr_items___id_raw'); --- 2 --- var elementname = "hastr_items___id_raw"; var myelement = listdata[0][0].data; var rowitem = myelement[elementname]; --- 3 --- var rowitem = listdata[0][0].data.hastr_items___id; --- 4 --- var...
  14. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    Thank you, Troester. Sorry for the sent typo. That was the only one I do not have in the original script. If there are no other, them I am sure the problem lays somewhere else. (In reality I use the right spelling send. ... The rest of the code is my site original.) My point is I do not get any...
  15. O

    [SOLVED] list_X.js cannot post

    With the same structure as with form_X.js used for list_X.js I cannot post. function newOrderJS(){ var rowitem = 70; var url="index.php?option=com_fabrik&format=raw&task=plugin.userAjax&method=neworderphp&rowitem=" + rowitem; var response = ''; new Request( { url: url...
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