Styling the download link container


FabriKant d'applications web

There is a new feature on the fileUpload Element which allow to add a download link under the image (append).
This is a very useful one as you can both display a thumb image from a non protected directory and use the ajaxify download link for the real image from an htaccess protected directory.

However this feature is surrounded by a div without a class which would allow some better rendering. (float left/right for example).

So I did a very simple hack that I think would be helpful for others also around line 1000 of the file plugins/fabrik_element/fileupload/fileupload.php. Class name could be changed.

        if ($params->get('fu_download_append', '0') === '1')
            return $render->output . '<div class="fabrik-fu-list-download">' . $downloadHTML . '</div>';;
            return $render->output;
I agree. But I guess Hugh had some good reasons ! :)
Thanks for committing it anyway
in the same file, to avoid a notice for undefined key (don't know why the function is called with invalid '$i' ...), around line 940 :

                if (array_key_exists($title_name, $thisRow))
                    if (!empty($thisRow->$title_name))
                        $title = $thisRow->$title_name;
                        $title = FabrikWorker::JSONtoData($title, true);
                        $title = array_key_exists($i, $title) ? $title[$i] : '';

Also, it seems the layout file "fabrik-element-fileupload-downloadlink.php" when used in "append" context could not been overridden. I did not success where as the file "fabrik-element-elementlist-details.php" overrides well on the same site (different list).
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