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    Date condition in e-mail scheduled task

    Hi, I need to send my scheduled e-mail only if current date is equal to one stored in the element "findings_tbl___due_date". Could you please suggest how to write the Condition statement? Thanks a lot.
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    cron email plugin conditions

    Hi, I have the following elements: findings_tbl___finding_num (text) findings_tbl___due_date (date) findings_tbl___fb_sent (yes/no) findings_tbl___add_fb_req (yes/no) findings_tbl___status (dropdown) The condition for a cron email I need to setup is this: IF today is less than 7 days from...
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    Cron job (gcalsync) working only from backend

    Hi, as the title says, I'm trying to get the cron job (gcalsync) triggered from frontend, with no luck. From backend it perfectly works and the Google calendar is updated. No error in log table. My scheduled task setting page is attached My site is installed locally with XAMPP. Joomla is 3.3.3...
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    User Id instead of User Name

    Hi, I'm trying to update a "log/history" field with the following js code in the text element 'action_taken', "on blur" : $('snags___history').value = $('snags___logged').get('value') + ' wrote: ' + $('snags___date_time_cal').get('value') + ': ' + $('snags___action_taken').get('value') + '\n '...
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    Change a text field content depending on checkbox value

    Hi, I have a checkbox named test_cb with only one suboption named 'test_on' and a text field named test. What I would like to obtain is to modify the text in the field 'test', depending on checkbox value. I wrote this javascript code for load and change: if ($('issues___test_cb').value ==...
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    Dropdown user list from a certain group

    Hi, is it possible to have a front end dropdown list where it is possible to select a single user from a given joomla user group? Fabrik version is 3.1, jommla 3.3 installed locally with xampp. Thanks a lot.
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    [Solved] Trying to get PDF button to work in list

    Hi, I might be doing something wrong, but what I would like to have is the PDF button to work for lists. I'm running Fabrik 3.0.9 official release on Joomla 2.5.19. I've copied the DOMPDF package (downloaded from github) under ../libraries/dompdf. When I hit PDF download, I got this error...
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    Add records on a different table

    Hi, I'm running Joomla 2.5.14 and Fabrik 3.0.9 I have two lists/forms: 1. Parts 2. Journal In PARTS, when I submit the form, I update the following fields: - part_number - serial_number - status - status_change_date - description - actual_location on SAVE, I would like to add a record in...
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    Related data view

    Hi I have a problem on displaying only the data related to a single record. I have these two joined tables (ref. Everything seems working, but when I try to display only the data relative to a single record, a list comes out with all the...
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    Time selector

    Hi, in my form "session", I created a date field named "session_start" with all the default values (list/form format etc.). I only enabled the time selector. 1. The little time selector icon doesn't appear, but it's not a big deal, unless it's a symphtom of something else 2. Pushing on that...
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    Sub-forms and joined data

    Hi, I'm trying to realize a database (V3.0a2) with this main functions: 1. I have two tables: session and issues 2. The user enters the single session data and, for that session, a number of issues that can vary from 0 to n. I'm struggling with table join and databasejoin elements, with...
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    Field update with the value of another field

    Hi, I'm quite new to Fabrik and I'm struggling with this: I'm trying to update a field (issues_tbl____history) getting the value from another field (issues_tbl___action_taken) after its update and append this value to the actual value of 'history'. Any help? Thanks a lot in advance.
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    Form pagination

    Hi, I'm quite new to Fabrik. I've downloaded V. 3.0a2 and installed it on a Joomla 1.7 fresh local installation running with XAMPP. Maybe it's me, but I cannot find a way to put the navigation links (eg. first/prev 1 2 3 4 on a form. When you have a set of records coming out from a...