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Search results

  1. marktaylor46

    How to set error message in element php validation?

    I use php to validate an element using the php validate plugin. Is there a way I can set the error message field from within my php code rather than using the static error message field in the plugin? Thanks for your help. Regards, Mark.
  2. marktaylor46

    IE7 form response times for initial load (flexie?)

    Hi again, I hope someone can help me... Hi have a fairly sizeable form that unfotunately has to work on IE7 :( This form takes an absolute age to render. I used some analysis tools on the page and it turns out that 98% of the response is attributable to flexie.js. Now, I know I can turn it off...
  3. marktaylor46

    ReferenceError: Encoder is not defined

    After updating to the latest github today I am now getting the above error on the Fabrik intro page. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this please? Regards, Mark.
  4. marktaylor46

    TypeError: opt.params is null

    After updating to the latest github update today I am now receiving the above JS error when I go into my radiobutton element. This prevents me from being able to do anything else to the elements as because it is a Js error it breaks everything else on the edit abilities of the elements. Can...
  5. marktaylor46

    PDF report from Front-end says "please select at least one filter"

    When I try to print my list to a PDF from the frontend I get a PDF which contains all the column heading and one line underneath that says "please select at least one filter". I have selected at least one filter and the list displays fine on the screen - just not on the PDF? If I try the same...
  6. marktaylor46

    how can I force form to be reset from menu item?

    I have noticed that if I start completing the form, get some errors, and then choose to go to another page on my site - the next time I come back into the form - all the error messages and form data are still there - I need the form to always be reset every time I enter the form from my menu...
  7. marktaylor46

    fileupload does not display in form

    fileupload does not display in form & validation issues I have noticed several related issues with the fileupload element plugin. 1. On a new form, if you add a file to upload and then get any other error on the form - the fileupload field get's blanked out so you have to again (if you...
  8. marktaylor46

    Setting "rows per page" on lists doesn't seem to work - always "10" on list?

    Maybe I'm doing this wrong but when I set the "rows per page" (on the navigation tab) for my list i had expected that to limit the number of records shown on any one page to that number - and for that number to appear in the "display #" field at the bottom of the page on my lists? No matter what...
  9. marktaylor46

    PDF paper size and orientation on forms

    Hi again, a few days ago Rob kindly changed the PDF options for LIST for me so I could specifiy paper size and orientation in the list settings. However, this has not been done for FORMS (and DETAIL) PDF settings - So I am hoping that these options could also be added there too? Some of my...
  10. marktaylor46

    EVAL option not present for YES/NO element plugin?

    There does not seem to be an eval option for the yes/no element plugin? I need this as I need to set set the default by a piece of php code - am I missing something or is there some other way I can do this? Regards, Mark.
  11. marktaylor46

    Is it possible to ouput details view to a PDF?

    When looking at a list - when you click on the icon to see the details view - is it possible on the details view screen to output the details view to a PDF via a button? Regards, Mark.
  12. marktaylor46

    Is it possible to display FILTERS for PDF output?

    I am using the PDF facility for my lists (fantastic) but I'm wondering if there is a way to display in the PDFs the filters used to generate the report somehow (need to be able to turn it on or off too become I only need this sometimes). Regards, Mark.
  13. marktaylor46

    PDF output has "view" at the top - how to remove?

    My PDF print-outs have the word "view" at the top of them - how can I remove this please? I turned off heading but that didn't get rid of it? Regards, Mark.
  14. marktaylor46

    PDF List output - does it work?

    I'm trying to get my front-end list to output to a pdf using the PDF button. Mechanically it works in that I get a PDF file output - but the "print" is in portrait format (and is therefore clipped). Is there a way I can get it to work so it look like the screen list or is it not working yet? It...
  15. marktaylor46

    Date element - how to unset date with picker

    I have a date element on my form. I have set the date so the user cannot key or type a date - they must use the date picker. However, I do want to allow the user to "unset" the date back to a null value. How can I do that? Regards, Mark.
  16. marktaylor46

    detecting if element in form has changed to send email

    I need to send an email if an element get a value completed in the form. I'm ok with using the email plugin but I want to add some php code to detect the change in value (condition). How do I do that please? Regards, Mark.
  17. marktaylor46

    Help - none of my validation rules are being shown in elements

    I've been working with fabrik all day without issues. Then suddenly now, when I go into each of my elements, the validation rules i have set up are not being loaded - basically I just get the empty "Action please select" for each of the validation rules I have set up - now I know they're still...
  18. marktaylor46

    PHP validation questions

    First of all apologies as I'm a bit of a noob with Fabrik but I am well seasoned in Joomla and php... 1. I need to clean-up an element before I validate it in php so I thought I would use the php validator with replace rather than match. I want to do some simple things like strip leading spaces...
  19. marktaylor46

    Why does regex validator add red star to form

    I've noticed that the regex validator add a red star next to my form field (to many that would imply the field is mandaory - which in this case it isn't). The REGEX validattion is the only rule I have added to the form field. I expect the "isnotempty" validator to add the star but why does the...
  20. marktaylor46

    form tip disappears as soon as shown

    When on form and moving the mouse over the "*" star for a required field the hovering tip box is shown, moves in towards the star and then vanishes before you have a chance to read the contents of the box (all in about 500ms). Does anyone know how I can get the tip to stay visible whilst the...