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  1. R

    Do username element trigger cascadedropdowns?

    Hi Rob, thanks for the support. I posted this Home Forums Fabrik 3.0.x - For Joomla 2.5 , I am posting in the right section I hope? I've checked the form "storingsformulier automaat" but can't see any changes. I tried the options you wrote but I still can't get it to work. Could you please...
  2. R

    Do username element trigger cascadedropdowns?

    Hi Rob, Ok, everything has been updated. Tried and the issue is still there. I made a cascadingdropdown test link in the menu on the site.
  3. R

    CSV export works in backend, but not in frontend

    Hi, here are the jing links: In this video you can see everything is exported, also anything on the screen is called 'undefined' when you do an export. This video show the same from the backend. This happens on all listst.
  4. R

    Do username element trigger cascadedropdowns?

    Ok, I ran a restore and got everything working as before. Rob, can you explain how I apply the fix? I tried to update to the lastest github update, with non working ccds as result. I tried to replace the cascadadingdropdown.js with the code you specified in the link, with non working ccds...
  5. R

    Do username element trigger cascadedropdowns?

    Hi Rob, I did apply the update/fix but now ccd's are not working at all. Cascadingdropdown elements stays empty.
  6. R

    CSV export works in backend, but not in frontend

    Hi Rob, in the category Bieren are 3 entries in total (1 x amstel, 2 x heineken) Can you try to filter on "amstel" in 'Bieren', then you can see the filter is not picked up by the export to csv.
  7. R

    Do username element trigger cascadedropdowns?

    Hi, it's on 2 forms; Storingsformulier Automaat Storingsformulier Betaalautomaat I also made a test form. Cascadingdropdown...
  8. R

    CSV export works in backend, but not in frontend

    It seem to happen on every list, here are some urls:
  9. R

    Do username element trigger cascadedropdowns?

    Fabrik is up to date now. Tested the form but no luck. I did a test, I made a form exact like the one in your video. There I should be reproduce that it works, but unfortunately, you can see the form 'thinking' for a bit, then results a empty field again. I'm wondering what sits in Fabriks...
  10. R

    CSV export works in backend, but not in frontend

    Ok, updated to the last update. The issue still persist, it just export everything that's in the database.
  11. R

    Do username element trigger cascadedropdowns?

    Hi Rob, thanks for the visual explanation. I tried to reproduce but I can't get it to render the name, field stays empty. First I'll update Fabrik, then I'll report if it works.
  12. R

    CSV export works in backend, but not in frontend

    Hi Rob, These options below are currently set: Front end options = Yes Include filters = Yes CSV File format = CSVExcel Which Elements = Selected I haven't updated to the newest github update, shall I do that before we continue troubleshooting?
  13. R

    CSV export works in backend, but not in frontend

    I have had time to test the export functionality on several lists today, I think I found a bug; Export to CSV works fine in front-end and back-end. Unfortunately the filters do not work. I have a table for all products, when I filter for example "cola" I get all products with cola as result...
  14. R

    bug with default for dropdown element's sub-option

    Vadim, Akeeba backup is a life safer. Saved my ass couple of times already. Highly recommended for any Joomla website.
  15. R


    Might be that you translated the english language file, but if your site is set to russian, fabrik will then not use the english language file. You have to make a copy of en-GB.plg.fabrik.ini (name of the file you translated) and then rename it to rus-RUS.plg.fabrik.ini, or whatever the russian...
  16. R

    Do username element trigger cascadedropdowns?

    Hi Rob, here's a very late response, excuse me for that. I've been very busy with everything and nothing at work. This issue had no priority until now. I'll restate my question; I want 2 forms automatically pickup the username, then trigger the cascadedropdowns to fill in their adres, postal...
  17. R

    A good insight to build a validation form

    Rob, thanks for this excellent answer. This setup is by far the best to work with, I haven't had time yet to build it, but will do in the next couple of days. I'll let you know what the results are.
  18. R

    CSV export works in backend, but not in frontend

    Rob, thank you so much for this!! Excuse me for the late reply, I was down with the flu last couple of days. With this problem solved, the company I work for is very happy with Fabrik. It's decided we stay with it and will use it for more advanced forms for their administration tasks. We'd...
  19. R

    CSV export works in backend, but not in frontend

    I have filled in all the information you need in "My Sites", so you can access the ftp and phpmyadmin. So many thanks for your help! In the meantime I rebuilded the corrupt forms and got it running again, so the only problem left is the csv export. I'm eager to know what caused the problem.