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  1. F

    Stripe plugin failed after update to 3.8.1

    Any advice? thanks.
  2. F

    Stripe plugin failed after update to 3.8.1

    Ooops, sorry Revised to the correct password, you may login now, thanks.
  3. F

    Stripe plugin failed after update to 3.8.1

    Hi, I have duplicate my live site and then update fabrik from github. I have fill out the form you provide and thanks for helping me to check with this. You may check it by using the following link: The temp site (updated stripe plugin to 3.8.1, stripe in test mode)...
  4. F

    Stripe plugin failed after update to 3.8.1

    Hi, there still some errors: frontend: Some parts of your form have not been correctly filled in There was an internal error reported by the Stripe payment processing servers, please try again later. backend: AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice: Undefined index: xxx_xxx___description...
  5. F

    Stripe plugin failed after update to 3.8.1

    Hi, I have did a full github update and this time I got the following error message: AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Access level to PlgFabrik_FormStripe::$log must be protected (as in class PlgFabrik_Form) or weaker in...
  6. F

    Stripe plugin failed after update to 3.8.1

    After update to 3.8.1, stripe plugins cause a 500 error. I have checked with the log and get: AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Trait 'Stripe\\ApiOperations\\Request' not found in /home/admin/domains/xxx/public_html/libraries/fabrik/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiResource.php...
  7. F

    event not defined in firefox

    Hi, I have put the fabrik checkbox example js code into a checkbox element: var v ='value'); if (v === '4' && { this.subElements.each(function (a) { if(a.value !== '4') { a.checked = false; } }); } It is work in IE or...
  8. F

    Set element defaults from URL not success

    Hi, I have updated the fabrik to 3.1rc2, however, I found that the link is correctly jump to the form but is the element value set in the URL is incorrect. The element that I want to set is a databasejoin dropdown. here is the link...
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