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  1. A

    div template/list view modification

    Hi all, I am using Fabrik 3.2 (downloaded from Joomla extension) but I do not have DIV template inside my ".../list/tmpl" folder (only bootstrap)!! I need to modify my list view, position of column and etc .. would you please help my problem and give some links for modify template. btw, my...
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    urgent help, move fabrik to new site

    Hi dears I tried to move my all fabrik project to the new online website but i wasnot successful would you pls help me i read different thread in this fourm and did accordingly> - export all fabrik database tables and my created tables with PHPMyadmin with sql format and import it to my...
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    sharing list or records with different group of users

    would you please give me a clue for below request? I want to share my records with three groups (Public, Friends(or groups of friends), myslef), I think it means, my list should be filtered based on who views them. But I do not know how to do it. My app: every user will have its list in their...
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    Module filter

    Hi guys, I want to use custom link of element for filtering another list, I could set it work for list view but It does not work for the module of same list. on the other hand I don't know what URL I should use for addressing modules in the custom link. I would appreciate it if you give me a...