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  1. T

    Lists -- Could not connect to MySQL server

    Hi, My fabrik act strangely today that all my list shows "Could not connect to MySQL server". The connection test is ok, Form and elements are all fine, only the List. Could anyone tell me what's wrong with it?
  2. T

    runtime sql query as the datasouce for List

    Hi, I am showing the data in a list which is order by distance of of data and user current position. The sql command is like SELECT, c.last_online,, c.lng, ( 6371 * acos( cos( radians(user_lat) ) * cos( radians( ) ) * cos( radians( c.lng ) - radians(-user_lng) ) + sin(...
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    "We are unable to find this record" error

    Hi, Whenever I put in the pre-filter, the list result is correct, but when I click the edit icon, there is no data in the form view, and it shows the message: ta in the form view. Any help would be much appreciated Best regards
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    Field default eval data

    Hi, I want this field to get data from the other fields, so I set EVAL to yes, and put the following code: var_dump($data['igc8d_uj_issue___meeting_id']); var_dump('{igc8d_uj_issue___meeting_id}'); exit; ======================================================== The result is like...
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    Bootstrap class in form template

    Hi, I put the following code into the form template -- default_group.php ---------------------------------------------------------------- <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4?> image </div> <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4?> image </div> <div...
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    A very strange error

    Hi, This never happened before that the Fabrik list works fine in my developing site, but when in the real site, when I click on 'view data' in the back end, and when I click on the 'save' button, the browser shows "this site not sending any data, ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE' The screenshot is in the...
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    The List icons changed

    Hi, I just found the front end list icons are all changed to letters but in back end it's ok. as you can see in the attachment. Dose anyone one knows what may be the cause of this. Thanks in advance Best regards
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    List with Div layout set to 2 block a row

    Hi, I set my list layout to div, what should I do to set it to 2 block a row? Thanks Best regards
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    Url parameters for list missing in changing pages

    Hi, I need to carry parameters for my list, so I create a template for this list. It works fine when enter into the list, but when I change pages or change the display rows number, the parameter will be missing and the result is certainly wrong. Attached please find the screenshot before...
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    Is not null in pre-filter is missing??

    Hi, My 'Is not null' is missing from my pre filter condition drop down list. Could anyone help? Thanks Best regards
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    new table column didn't show in elements list

    Hi, I created a new column for this table which I used to create another Fabrik list couple months ago. Now I want to create another list from the same table, but the new column didn't show in the elements list. How do I refresh the setting, so I can continue my work? Thanks in advance Scott
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    List result problem

    Hi, I set the pre-filter as the attached screenshot. Theproblem is there are 3 rows in my pre-filter query, so the List result should be 3 rows, but it only shows the first row? Is there anything wrong with my pre-filter setting? Thanks. Best regards
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    Join two tables in list, only the left's column shows in elements

    Hi, I set joins in List, but in the element, but only the left table's columns shown in Element? Is there a way that I can see all the columns of both tables in Element? Thanks in advance Best regards
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    Same form but different result

    Hi, I have this Fabrik form that is set to joomla menu. When I run with my desk top browser, after clicking on save button, it correctly return to the homepage, but the same program run with cell phone, it wrongly goes to list page. Is there a way that I can redirect it to the homepage ...
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    timezone could not be found??

    Hi, This form was ok before, but today it pop up this error message: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (return time();) at position 0 (r): The timezone could not be found in the database Could anyone tell me how to fix this? Thanks in advance Best regards Scott
  16. T

    How to know which list popup the error message?

    Hi, There are some modules created by Fabrik in my page. This morning, it suddenly popup an error message like : 1054 Unknown column '' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `#__comprofiler`.`user_id` AS `#__comprofiler___user_id`, `#__comprofiler`.`user_id`...
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    Custom link problem

    Hi, I have a custom link which is copy from the Menu link, they are totally identical. But I don't under stand when the result are different when click on each link? Attached with the screenshot of my setting, is there any wrong with my setting? Thanks in advance Best regards
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    1054 error after restore to living site by akeeba

    Hi, In my developing site, it run very well, but after I restored it to the living site, I got this error message: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `#__comprofiler`.`user_id` AS `#__comprofiler___user_id`, `#__comprofiler`.`user_id` AS...
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    How dose a List pass parameters to a form?

    Hi, My fabrik list was passed a parameter by user, and how dose it pass down the parameter to form element as a default value? I've tried : $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input; return $jinput->get('bookid'); but it returns empty. Could anyone help? Thanks in...
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    2 tables in one form without join

    Hi, I am working on this page that the author fill in the content and then publish to all user to get their feedback. So there are 2 parts in the feedback page, first part shows all the fields filled by the author, and the second part collect the feedback into another table. This seems...