Adding to joined tables

I wish to add records to a registration table joined to a membership table by the field member id.
The issue is how to add new records to the registration table only. Is that feasible
In my current approach, I do not use a join, I just have a dropdown database join to fill in the member id from the member table.
If? I use the joined tables, I would also like to have the memberid defined by a dropdown database join. However, if it do that, I get ambiguous fields on last name because your join option does not let me manage it.
hi Paul

In my current approach, I do not use a join, I just have a dropdown database join to fill in the member id from the member table.
This would allow you to create registration records for existing members. Which when I read your question seems to be what you want to do, but I guess that is not all of it or you wouldn't be asking the question ! :)

By joining the tables you would be allowing the user to edit their members record as well as the registration record. Is this what you were wanting to achieve?

However, if it do that, I get ambiguous fields on last name because your join option does not let me manage it.
Which memeber id would you be referring to now? The field or the regstration.member_id field?
In either case I don't think you could set that to a database join field and continue to have a form that made sense, as if you changed the user shown in then the records in the joined registration fields would no longer match up (they would still be keyed to the initial value), and visversa for the registration.member_id field.

Perhaps I haven't understood what you are trying to achieve? Could you explain why you are trying to implement this change?


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