date element dosent show local calendar


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my joomla 3 (local running on my pc) is localaized to fa-IR . I also use fabrik 3.1 beta on it to make some application.
but fabrik date element doesn't show jalali calender (farsi calender) when click on calender button despite joomla itself shows it on its date fields.
please help me to find a way. thanks
shadpour - since this is open source, do you have the skills to look at the date code and see which widgets it uses and whether they support the farsi calendar? If you can do the research, one of us can probably help with the coding.

hi, thanks for the response.
there is a date.js and a date.php in this folder "C:\inetpub\joomla3\plugins\fabrik_element\date" which i think that fabrik use them.
i have also these 2 files in "C:\inetpub\joomla3\media\fa-IR\js" : calendar.js and calendar-setup.js
and in the folder: "C:\inetpub\joomla3\language\fa-IR" there is : fa-IR.localise.php
i have attached a copy of them. but as i am not expert in editing joomla source please let me know where should i search for the widget that you mean.


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That is not quite what I meant - but never mind. And I do of course have the same files as you as I am also using Fabrik :)

The fabrik date element will use as its calendar display a widget from e.g. jquery or mootools. And you can then check in the mootools or jquery documentation whether this widget supports the farsi calendar or not. If it does, then it might be reasonably easy to add a setting to select the calendar - otherwise we will need to develop a separate farsi date element which uses a different widget.

Unfortunately I do not have time to research this - and since this is open source, I thought you might want to help with finding out whether it is easy to do.

Ok - I found a few minutes to take a look. The calendar widget we use is (I think) the standard Joomla calendar which according to this page "does not support non-Gregorian calendars". It goes on to say "If you need to support non-Gregorian calendars then you will need to create a custom form field type to support your calendar." So, we need first to find a Joomla field type for the farsi calendar, and then to clone or extend the date plugin to use the farsi field type.

Over to you to find a Joomla field type for the farsi calendar.

I have now found that Joomla with the accredited Persian language pack supports the Jalali calendar in the datepicker.

Can you give me a link to your web site for a page which shows the Jalali datepicker so I can look at the HTML for it?


actually there is a web sit which is online but fabrik isn't install on it, maybe it can help : , i can add any object on it for the test. but i use fabrik localy on my laptop so if it is useful here is some html code:
this is what fabrik use:

<div class="fabrikElement">
<div class="fabrikSubElementContainer" id="persons___birthday">
<div class="input-append">
<input name="persons___birthday[date]" id="persons___birthday_cal" value="2013-07-31" class="fabrikinput inputbox input-small" size="11" maxlength="19" type="text">
<button id="persons___birthday_cal_cal_img" class="btn calendarbutton">
<i class="icon-calendar "></i>

and this is what joomla use some where else:

<div class="controls">
<div class="input-append">
<input title="????????, 09 ????? 1392" name="jform[publish_up]" id="jform_publish_up" value="2013-07-31 04:38:37" size="22" class="inputbox" type="text">
<button class="btn" id="jform_publish_up_img">
<i class="icon-calendar"></i>

and also I found these in the header

<script src="/media/system/js/mootools-core.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/media/system/js/core.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/media/system/js/caption.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/media/system/js/mootools-more.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/media/jui/js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/media/jui/js/jquery-noconflict.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/media/jui/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

as you see mootools and jquery both are exist.

is there any where, which i should check?
I was hoping that the Joomla code would indicate why the same control in the Fabrik date plugin does not display the same. But it doesn't.

On your own site, can you create a Fabrik table with a date field, and a Fabrik module for a form which displays that field for input, and also put the above HTML in a Joomla custom code module - and show both items on the same Joomla page.

If you can then post a URL to this page, I will take another look and see what is happening.


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