front end: image selection not working


Hi all,

I am working with Joomla 3.3.4 and Fabrik 3.2.

I am using a fabrik element image, to select the nationality of a person. The flags are stored in the Joomla images folder under flags. So the path should be /images/flags/. In the Joomla back end, I can edit the flags using Components -> fabrik ->lists -> view data.
But when I try to do the same modification on the front end, the dropdown is well filled with the flag names, but the flag itself is not updated and the change not stored to the database.
Here the image element:

It would be great if someone could give me a hint, whats going wrong with this element on my page.
Thanks a lot
I was testing a lot of image sliders this weekend and dismissed 3 of them before I realized that it may be to soon to expect every extension to be ready to for 3.3.4... it may be worth sticking with 3.3.3 as a test run and see if you have the same problem.
Hi TurtleWolf,
the problem was also under 3.3.3.
I saw now, when I switch off the "Frontend select", saving and switch back on the function, the image selection works one in the front end, but only once.