• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

How to circumvent the Fullcalendar Label Issue?


This issue exists in F3 as well:

Label element for fullcalendar vis
But is there some (easy?) way to show the label of a Databasejoin field in a Fullcalendar Visualization?
I tried a calc field :
return '{event_join_info}';
as Label field but the Event shows up empty.
With the Databasejoin Field the id shows up instead:

Not a showstopper since it never worked, but would make the Fullcalendar a lot more useful.
Regards ... Franz
Adding an additional element to hold the label should do.

Keep in mind that it's fetching this element also from the database, so a calc should be set to "only calc on save" and you have to fill the data for existing records manually.

For dbjoin labels this should do (still not doing e.g. for dropdown elements):
if (!empty($data['label'])) $row->label = $row->{$data['label']};
in plugins\fabrik_visualization\fullcalendar\models\fullcalendar.php line 603
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Much better. Thanks again Troester!
And no calc element necessary.
Just a little quirk: the label is a link. When that is clicked, a little empty popup opens in the back in addition to the correct form.
When clicking the time piece instead, just the expected form opens.
Ok, I can see it (with Option "Show full detail"), but this is the same without this label fix.
If you follow fstorch link
and click on a event you see sometimes one sometimes two popups
Luckely both have a X to end them.
I have a simular problem.
But depending on the tables the clikable events belong to, there is a button the end the popup or there is no X and no button.
Please guide me in a direction for the right settings and I also like to know where the layout for the popups is handled and how to get rid of two popups.
Any instructioon is welcome.
I'm on Joomla 4.3.4, Fabrik Epsilon (quite recent) and Php 8.2

thanks in advance