looking for advice - Insert data on a per year basis



I need some advice from more experienced fabrik users, here is what i am trying to achieve:

I have a list with customers info (like address phone, etc) and another list with its sales, so i need to input their monthly sales for each year, now i cant figure out how i can make the list with the sales so it shows each month and a filter for each year.
I mean, should i need to create a field for each month? (thinking on doing that) and another for each year? (maybe with a date type element i can make this work).
So the sales list should look just like an excel spreadsheet with the name of the customer and all the months to the right.
Any advice on how should i be doing this? Right now all i can think of is to create elements for each month and year, but maybe there is another way. Any advice is welcome.

Hi madpato,

I'm not necessarily an "advanced" fabrik user, but I think what you're looking to do could be accomplished using a "List Join". Basically, you'd join your list data from your sales table, with your customer data from the customer table; and, based on the type of join, you can control the output in the list.

Check out the following info to learn more: http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/list-joins/

Does this help at all?


Hello thank you for your answer i was thinking about that but my problem is the filter option (with cascade i believe i can work it out), so the what i imagine would be:

1. Pick Customer with a cascade dropdown (or database join) then it shows me the years available
2. I select a year and the months are presented
3. If I select one month i will get to input the data of the sales of that month.

Im not sure if i have to create a list for the years and/or months or something more, thats what confuses me :(

Thank you again for your time.
Exactly, the list is not a problem, is the entry form what worries me (thinking on the end user when he will input info).
Hi madpato,

What types of fields should show after you select the customer and the year / month? I think most of this could be done with JS conditionals, if I'm understanding what you're trying to do...


Just regular input fields and maybe a database join referencing other fields on another list, i just need a starting point to follow :)

Thank you!
If it were me, I would use a repeat group for each year with a year field and 12 fields for the months.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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