Message in debug console for calc element


Well-Known Member

I see this message in Google Console for a calc element:

contracte_tarife___tarife_nume_camp1 attach to form:TypeError: Object function (){if(c.$protected&&this.$caller==null)throw Error('The method "'+b+'" cannot be called.');var a=this.caller,h=this.$caller;this.caller=h;this.$caller=e;var k=c.apply(this,
arguments);this.$caller=h;this.caller=a;return k} has no method 'bindWithEvent'


The message appear even if there is no code in the Calculation textarea

I use latest github version.

Thank you
ack for some reason when the compressed js files are merged into the 3.1 branch from the master branch and then the build script is run, they aren't being overwritten with the 3.1 code.

That should now be resolved, and the js files are now up to date for their uncompressed source files.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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