No Delete,edit Icons in Fabrik Admin or pubishled list

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New Member

In fabrik admin i go to my list and click on view data.

Everything comes up as expected. EXCEPT there are no icons (the delete, edit icons etc. the icons that show as a little pen/pencil, a magnifying glass and a red cross)

these are normally to the right of the check boxes on the right hand side of the table.

The weird thing is that they show of about 1 second when the page is loading but then disappear again.

I have installed fabrik previously and all these icons worked perfectly.

As it is at the moment i cant delete records at all, from the fabrik admin or from the list i have published as a joomla menu item.

Any help to get these icons working would be great.

Do you have this for all your lists or just one? Do you use the default Joomla admin template? Is your list admin template set to Bootstrap?
Hi there,

Thanks for taking the time to reply,

The icons have miraculously re-appeared on my list admin.

all good!
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