"No element found matching googlemap" Solved

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New Member
I have a list of what appear to me as well formed Google points:
group_id gpoint
1 (-55.190651,19.4018054):10
1 (-55.19525920,19.408248):10
1 (-55.19620729,19.4016121):10
1 (-55.19724077,19.4017490):10
2 (-55.11929862,19.428955):10

but the following error appears when a Googlemap visualization pointing at this table is opened.

0 No element found matching googlemap, 1

I've read the posts on this subject, especially http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?threads/googlemap-latitude-longitude-option.22862/

To investigate further, I used Fabrik to create a list (and underlying table) with a googlemap field, added some records and the visualization worked fine. I then cloned the table (same structure and data, different name) to see if I could get an existing table working with a Googlemap visualization, but no luck either - same error.

Thanks for any pointers (get it?:))
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