order by in filter dropdown not following dataset order by


Active Member
Is there any way to specify the orderby on the filter drop down of an element?

so if my dataset is order by Date DESC, I find the dropdown date element data is in ASC order so it does not seem to follow the dataset order by.

Is there any way I can override this?

thanks dale, seems as tho they had some problems in getting it right, and last read it was not working 100%. (Few days ago)

I will monitor this and update from GIT when it looks like it is working.

That thread is from 2 years ago on 3.0, so I doubt there will be much activity on it any time soon. ;)

-- hugh
And when someone with "Standard" or "Pro" by their name starts raising it as an issue again, we'll be able to afford to spend the time to work on it. ;)

Fabrik is like painting the Forth Bridge, it's a never ending task, there will always be corner case issues to fix. So we have to give priority to issues raised by paying subscribers, or to major issues which effect everyone. I hate to be so crassly commercial, but we have to eat and pay our rent.

-- hugh
So Paul....

Yes this "can" be done, but if you really need it, you would have to code it. What you are asking about is a bit off the beaten path, so it seems understandable the Fabrik team cannot afford to spend time on something like this for free when they have a ton of much larger fish to fry that are paying the bills.

Personally, while I am thrilled that Fabrik is free and has the power it does, I do not see how the team can afford to keep pace with it for free in the first place. So for something like this, if I really needed it, I would just code it myself (initially using overrides) and possibly hand it off to the Fabrik team for future consideration.

Hi Dale, I used to have a Pro membership in the early days, but then last year Fabrik changed the pricing structure which increased the cost 5 fold and they did not give any leeway for previous loyal members.

Our currency exchange rate made it un-affordable for me to continue subscribing.

I had incorrectly assumed, at the very least, the dropdown order should take on at the element order.

Using dates for example, this is the most prevalent...... for example if one has a DATE element in DESC order, the dropdown still gives the dates in ASC order. So if one has a mobile device, and the dropdown has say 80 date items, one is forever swiping to get to the other end of the list..... pretty frustrating for the client.

I would certainly look at it, but would rely on someone showing me where to start which would save me oodles of time trying to fathom out where to look.

Thanks for taking the time to engage me with my problem, much appreciated.

No problem.... I'd like to donate a few thousand to them myself... but alas I cannot at the moment.