Out of stack space in IE9 using the email plugin in List


Well-Known Member

I've added the email plugin for a list and now when i try to send a email from list view, i see the following errors in debug console:

SCRIPT28: Out of stack space
mootools-core.js, line 70 character 44
LOG: index.php?option=com_fabrik&controller=list.email&task=popupwin&tmpl=component&ajax=1&iframe=1&id=125&renderOrder=0

Also, this error appear, not sure if it's related to Fabrik:

SCRIPT87: Invalid argument.
mootools-core.js, line 113 character 110

The highlighted part in the line 113 is :


I use boostrap template for list, the Github version of Fabrik updated last week.

Thank you
I dont see a stack error, tested in ie10 an 9.
I don't see the pop up window rendered correctly either, but I think that's most likely a issue with your main Joomla template?
When running in Firefox no matter what record I select to email I get the message
"None of the selected records can be emailed"
Appearing in the pop up window.
Hello Rob,

I've assigned the default Joomla template to this link. Indeed, in this online version the error is gone, don't know why is displayed on my localhost. But...the popup still doesn't appear

P.S: the email plugin has been added just for test, there are no available email addresses to send emails

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