Popup Form to search and populate a list in a group


Active Member
Hello, it is posible to create a button in a Form that has elements and a Group whit a repetitive list ("GROUPA"), and show Small form to seach "Invioce Numbers", after select the Invoce number automaticaly fill the List in the "GROUPA" with all the products of that invoces, then if i select same button be able to add many invoces and all the products in the list. Sample:

Selected invoces "1234,1235,1236" (using the popup form)

(Join List as a Repeat Group or something else)


(BUTTON "Select Invoice to add")

Invoice # Product ID Product Desc. Quantity
1234 100 Product A 5
1234 101 Product B 3
1234 102 Product C 4
1235 200 Product AA 10
1235 201 Prodcut BB 5
1236 301 Product AAA 3
1236 302 Product BBB 1

How can i accomplish this ?

thank you