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Rendering issues with Ajaxify Links


Active Member

I'm experimenting with the "Ajaxify Links" setting in the list options that opens form and view in a modal and encountered some issues:

- jdate field in the Add view: I put the date format on 'd M Y' and it displays as '02 APRIL_SHORT 2024'
- details view: javascript hide/show are not executed, all is shown.

- jdate field in the Add view: I put the date format on 'd M Y' and it displays as '02 APRIL_SHORT 2024'
Ok for me. Which language are you on?
The string must be in language/your-lang/joomla.ini - but it should fall back to English...

Do you have JS errors?
Last edited:
I'm running English.

And there is indeed a JS Error:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'document.getElements('input[name=rowid]')[0].value')
form.js 897

Joomla 4.4.3 (/ Fabrik 4.0
Is this only with the form in modal, i.e. if you open the link with right click "in a new tab" it's ok?
Hi there!

Yes, the behaviour is the same.

I recreated the setup on a new XAMPP. installation:
- The jdate issue is gone, so I think I have to check if the language files are complete.
- The javascript hide/show is still here, however, I get now a JS error of the sort null is not an object (evaluating 'this.options.value[0]') that points to the dropdown.js. I suspect that that one of my dropdowns has a "null" default value. I will check that.

As a general remark: On a slow internet line the loading of the modals may take some time and are sometimes incomplete.

Have a nice day!


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