• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Saved Element Plugin reverts to text area or field type plugins

Hi Everyone,

I'm relatively new to Fabrik, and am trying to play with it to see if this extension is right for my purposes.
So far I've run into an issue with the Element's Plugin. For example I select "check boxes" type of plugin for a particular aspect of the Form. After Saving it (same day checked and "check boxes" was still "check boxes") for at least till I log off, eventually I find that it reverted back to "Text Area" plugin. I've tried to search for this problem but couldn't find another thread like this.

Please let me know if you know what on earth is happening, or know where I can get an answer.

Thanks All!
Never heard of something similar.
Are you running the latest version (3.1rc1 since today)?
I think I have 3.1b Where do I go to update? I tried reading the Github instructions but it was very confusing..(never used Github before)