Show only Groups for a particular form


Active Member
This applies to F2.5 and F3

Can one not have it such that when editing an element, and you want to change the Group, that ONLY the groups assigned to the form that the element belongs to is shown?

Having a list of 30 odd groups, sometime having similar names, is extremely time consuming to find out what group belongs to that form.

I don't think that would be possible as that mechanism is also used for enabling elements to be moved to other lists/forms. If we filtered it to just the form's current groups then we would loose this option

is it possible to display the label and value?

Values are unique, but labels not, and you show the label, so if one shows both, it will be very easy to find duplicates to which form they belong to.

If not both, then what about showing values instead?

Or the best yet would be a switch in global options where I can decide?
Yeah, this is something we've run across before, and really need to make a decision on.

I'd vote for putting the group ID in parens after the name ...

My Group (#123)
My Group (#136)

rob ?

Not exactly pretty, but I can't think of any other way of allowing people to distinguish between groups of the same name. In the past, when working on sites with lots of copies of the same list / form / groups, I've ended up having to go and change the name of the instance of the group I'm trying to select, select it, then change the name back.

-- hugh
The id is short, but not descriptive. So you'd end up toggling between the groups page to figure out what group #123 was.

How about using option groups in the list to split things e.g. (in bold is an option group title)

This form:
group 1
group 2
Other groups:
group 1 (form name)
group 2 (form name)


Form name (current form):
group 1
group 2
Form name (then other forms listed alphabetically):
group 1
group 2
my vote would be

This form:
group 1
group 2
Other groups:
group 1 (form name)
group 2 (form name)

In this way, I would immediately know which form the group has been assigned to.

The key aspect for me is to have this available when working with elements, as this is where I would guess most people would do their group allocations, eg: add a new element, need to allocate the group.

I'd vote for the second option, as if we start putting "Group name (form name)", it'll end up with width issues, as group and form names can be quite long. And it just makes sense to group groups by form.

-- hugh
cant wait to check it out, will update shortly

Thanks for this a great help


Just updated. all I can say is BRILLIANT!!!!!! :):):):):):):):)

Well done, these new groups view in elements are fantastic. You have saved us hours of work.

