[SOLVED]Changing comparision field in "or use field"

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New Member

I'm still quite new to Joomla! and Fabrik, I also don't have much experience with scripts. But I'm currently working on a project where I need users from a given organization to be able to work on or delete records from a given table but only the records that belong to this organization (defined by a field in the table). They should still be able to view the whole table content in the Front End but they should be able to only see records of other organizations (also in details) and not work on them or delete them. My idea to solve it is to add an "organization" field to Joomla! users table and the same kind of field in the Product table that I created (both would be an integer). Then using the "or use field" in the Products list settings (access levels label) I would like to compare both values. The problem is that the field that you choose in a dropdown is compared to user ID by default - meaning only the person who added the record can work on it, but not their coworkers. I was trying on my own by couldn't find a way to go round the problem. The furtherst I went was finding the below fields in the /administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/forms/list.xml. But I don't know how to move forward, I was trying to search through the folders using different keywords that I had found in various files but withouth success. I would be really thankful if you could help me find the solution to this problem.

Best regards,

<field name="allow_edit_details2"

<field name="allow_delete2"
Thank you for your response.

I don't need this feature anymore (turns out the expectations regarding adding and editing records were changed). It would be nice for another list, but not necessary. I will give it a try if I am told this one is going to be needed.

This plugin would solve the problem, as you can use PHP there on the condition so you can search your tables (which I would need).

Offtop: If I close the thread (uncheck status open), is it going to be marked as "problem solved"?
It's going to be marked as "Closed";)
Which means solved or no futher action needed at the moment or...
You can re-open and "bump" (add a new post) it at any time.
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