[SOLVED]Sending conditional emails fileupload


Hi everyone.
I'm trying to set up a conditional email send.
I would like the email to be sent if a document has been uploaded in the file upload element in the form.
I currently have a manual checkbox, but I would like the email to be sent only if the file has been uploaded in the file upload element.
Do you have a tip for me?
A thousand thanks.
Hi there!

The email plugin for forms has a condition option. You could test there fi the upload field has a meaningful value. However, I'm not sure what happens when the actual upload of the file fails for some reason.

Yes I know the plugin and the conditional option.
In fact, I currently use the value of a checkbox as a condition, which I tick manually when loading the file.
I would like to set a condition on the presence or absence of the file. but I did not succeed
Well, what was your code in the condition?
In principle, it makes no difference if you check for a ticked checkbox or for a supplied filename.
$origData = $formModel->getOrigData();
if ('{cedolinidipendenti___mailsend_raw}' == 1) {

  return true;


elseif ('{cedolinidipendenti___mailsend_raw}' == 0)


return false;


The code in question is this.
When the checkbox has a value of "1" send the email.

Since the filename always has different values, I don't know how to return the condition.
As it does not always have the same value.
Hi there!

Here's how I would do it:
First, I don't think you need the $origData part, the placeholders are available right away.
Then something like this:

if (isset('{cedolinidipendant___filetoupload}') {
  return true;   // send the mail
} elseif {
  return false; // don't send the mail

Replace filetoupload with the name of your fileupload element. This simply checks if the fileupload element has any value and the set the condition to true or false accordingly. I would suggest to also validate the element for notempty, to make sure that all users upload a file - if this is what you want.

Hi Thanks for your help.
I tested with your code, but it gives me the error:

0 syntax error, unexpected token "{"

Regarding element validation thanks for the advice but I don't need it,
as I only need to notify a user when there is a new document reserved for him in his reserved area.
Thanks again
Seems to be a missing bracket. Just addd a second ')' after ...filetoupload ->
if (isset('{cedolinidipendant___filetoupload}')) {
Seems to be a missing bracket. Just addd a second ')' after ...filetoupload ->
if (isset('{cedolinidipendant___filetoupload}')) {
Thank you for your help.
Yes there is a syntax error, I had already tried to add the second).
always returns error:

0 syntax error, unexpected token "{", expecting "("
Call stack

my php version is 8.3.3
Sorry, try this
$filetoupload = '{cedolinidipendant___filetoupload}';
if (isset($filetoupload)) {
Did you replace cedolinidipendant___filetoupload with your element name?
0 syntax error, unexpected token "{", expecting "("
Call stack
What is the Call stack?
What is your complete code?
expecting "("
sounds strange.

I can't see why else instead of elseif should return error 500.

Use debug tools like var_dump(...);exit; to see what you get.
Basically this should be sufficient as condition in the email plugin:
$filetoupload = '{cedolinidipendant___filetoupload}';
if (!empty($filetoupload)) {
return true;
Ups, just read the tipp-text of the condition field. So the code should be:
$filetoupload = '{cedolinidipendant___filetoupload}';
if (empty($filetoupload)) {
return false;
Did you replace cedolinidipendant___filetoupload with your element name?

What is the Call stack?
What is your complete code?

sounds strange.

I can't see why else instead of elseif should return error 500.

Use debug tools like var_dump(...);exit; to see what you get.
I had replaced it with my my element.

The complete code was this:
if (isset('{cedolinidipendenti___allegato}')) {
  return true;   // send the mail
} elseif {
  return false; // don't send the mail
Basically this should be sufficient as condition in the email plugin:
$filetoupload = '{cedolinidipendant___filetoupload}';
if (!empty($filetoupload)) {
return true;
With this code,
it works, if there is a file attached it sends me the email. otherwise no.
Thank you!
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