• Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
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  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

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    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

SQL Error: Duplicate Column name

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I have just updated my joomla installation to the latest version.
It didn't go smooth, as it failed because of a bug with the remember me plugin.
After disabling it the upgrade went fine.

When i go into Fabrik, and tries to modify the form, i get this odd error:

amend table: Duplicate column name 'Username' SQL=ALTER TABLE `db_medlemmer` ADD COLUMN `name` VARCHAR(255) null AFTER `userid`, ADD COLUMN `Username` VARCHAR(255) null AFTER `userid`, ADD COLUMN `group` VARCHAR(255) null AFTER `userid`

I'm not an expert of SQL far from but i understand that it's trying to create a new column called username, and it can't as one already exists.

But why, does it do this?

Any help is highly appreciated

Appologise, that the attached screenprint are in Danish.

Hope somebody can help me further.

Kind Regards,



  • Skærmbillede 2014-09-28 kl. 13.37.39.png
    Skærmbillede 2014-09-28 kl. 13.37.39.png
    78.1 KB · Views: 242
1) What modifications are you trying to make to the form?
2) What fields and types exist in the form and in the db prior to the modification attempt?

Thanks for getting back to me :)

1) I'm was trying to activate the mail plugin, when the error occurred to allow me to send an notification to the administrator once a request had been submitted.

2) I haven't made any changes (to what I know of, just tried to activate the email plugin)
I have attached screen prints of the Fabrik forms Juser mapping, the Fabrik Elements and the table Names of my current database.

Can you help me further?

Kind Regards,



  • Juser plugin.png
    Juser plugin.png
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    Fabrik elements 1of2.png
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    Fabrik Elements 2 of 2.png
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    SQL table 1of3.png
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    SQL table 2 of 3.png
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    SQL table 3 of 3.png
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1. NEVER unpublish an id element (not sure if it's related here, but don't)
2. It seems you have used the "update database" button. This is for some sort of "synchronizing" your form (structure) with the DB table (structure, not content). Maybe there's an issue but usually you don't/shouldn't use it at all. Are there any other errors if you are using your form normally?
Hi Troester,

Thank you for your tips.
I have republished the ID, even that it never has been an issue with it unpublished.

You are absolute right, the issue appears when I click "Update Database", but it does also appear if I go in to the Form, click on Plug-ins and then Add, and tries to modify the form.
In the attached screenprint I tried to remove the juser plugin, and save it.


  • ScreenHunter_803 Sep. 29 09.45.jpg
    ScreenHunter_803 Sep. 29 09.45.jpg
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problem resolved after 2 days trouble shooting.
It appeared that I had managed to get a element added to an additional group, and this element also had an Id filed.

Closing tread.

Thanks to the two who got back to me.
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