update_col and multiple emails ?


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Hello everyone,
I use update col plugin and it works great but i created an "application" to send approuvals (like the cookbook tutorial).
but i was wondering if there's a way to send my approuvals to the person in the form and myself coz it only allow one email.
Thanks in advance,
Hi, I tried to add this in the code (update_col.php)
but i won't work... :(((
Does someone have an idea ?

private function emailTo($row, $emailWhich)
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$params = $this->getParams();
$elementModel = $this->getEmailElement();
$emailField = $elementModel->getFullName(true, false);

if ($emailWhich == 'user')
$emailFieldRaw = $emailField . '_raw';
$userid = (int) $row->$emailFieldRaw;
$ids = array_unique($input->get('ids', array(), 'array'));
$ids = implode(',', $ids);
$userids_emails = $this->getEmailUserIds($ids);
$to = 'JArrayHelper::getValue($userids_emails, $userid)' . ', '; // note the comma
$to .= 'my_email@email.com';
elseif ($emailWhich == 'field')
$to = $row->$emailField;
$to = $params->get('update_email_to', '');

return $to;
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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