urgent help, move fabrik to new site


New Member
Hi dears

I tried to move my all fabrik project to the new online website but i wasnot successful would you pls help me
i read different thread in this fourm and did accordingly>
- export all fabrik database tables and my created tables with PHPMyadmin with sql format and import it to my website with same format
- edit, save site connection
but right now I can see mt tables with data inside in the PHPMyadmin but nothing appear in the fabrik of new website?!! please help me asap
I've moved sites (including fabrik) numerous times with no problem using Akeeba Backup.
You'll need to install Akeeba Backup on your old site.
You'll need to install (copy) Akeeba Kickstart on the new site.
Read the Docs for each at Akeeba's website.
Run a backup of the old site. Then copy the backup file to the web root of your new site (where you have copied the Kickstart files). Then run Kickstart.

Once that's done, if the dbase name, password, or server/host location has changed on the new site, you will also need to edit and save the 'Connection' configuration used by Fabrik.