• Payment Plugins Poll

    We need your feedback on the need for updated payment plugins. Please go here and give us your feedback.

  • Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

    See Announcement
    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

How do I backup my site?

  • Views Views: 6,935
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • It is often suggested before making any major changes to your site to make a backup.

    If you have cPanel you can go to cPanel > backups > download or generate a full website backup

    Note your host will usually have to restore these backups.

    Alternatively, you can manage and administer your own backups with a tool like Akeeba Backup.

    Following the instructions from Akeeba Backup, there are four stages to this process:

    1. Installing Akeeba Backup
    2. Making A Backup
    3. Downloading Archives
    4. Restoring Your Backup
    You can watch these steps here - https://www.akeebabackup.com/videos.html