See the details here
* Default Form:Group Template - show error messages inline
* @package Joomla
* @subpackage Fabrik
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 FabrikAll rights reserved.
* @license [URL][/URL] GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* @since 3.0
This part of the template is what actually renders each individual element. You will be loading this
template multiple times (once for each element you want to display) from your default_group.php file.
You probably won't need to edit this file - most changes you want can probably be done
by overriding the template_css.php file in your J template html overrides folder
If you do edit this file, make sure you use the same parts of the element this example uses,
i.e. the same class definitions, etc.
<?php if ($this->tipLocation == 'above') {
echo '<div>' . $element->tipAbove . '</div>';
// As this is a custom template, you may want to exclude $this->element->column
// which is the inline css required to abide by the group's column setup
<div <?php echo @$this->element->column;?> class="<?php echo $this->element->containerClass;?>">
<div class="fabrikElement">
<?php echo $this->element->element;?>
<?php if ($this->element->error != "") :?>
<?php echo $this->element->error;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($this->tipLocation == 'side') {
echo $element->tipSide;
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<?php if ($this->tipLocation == 'below') {
echo '<div>' . $element->tipBelow . '</div>';
$this->element->rendered = true;
// No direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
foreach ($this->Elements as $element) :
if ($element->id === 'countries___id' && $element->value == '') :
// Render the rest of your group template as usual......
<?php endforeach;?>